Lois Brandt
Let's Help Our Friends Who Have Empty Refrigerators!
Do you have a friend or classmate who never eats breakfast and doesn’t bring food for snack at school? Tell a parent or trusted adult.
When you have friends over to play, offer some fruit and a glass of milk. You can even make them Cheesy Pizza Bombs.
Make posters encouraging people to give food or money to your local food bank.
Ask permission to put your posters up in grocery stores, libraries, schools, and businesses.
Volunteer with your family or class at a local food bank, pantry, shelter, or community kitchen.
Ask your local food bank what foods they need. Then organize a neighborhood or school food drive for those items. (Your little brother or sister's wagon is perfect for collecting donated food.)
Talk to your friends, teachers, and parents about ways to fight childhood hunger. The more we talk about empty refrigerators, the fewer there will be.
Give time and money to food banks and organizations that help fight hunger.