Lois Brandt
Activities for Home and Classroom
Por favor, clique aqui para imprimir as páginas de atividades para o seu filho.

Solve Mazes --
Help Ryan get his toy back from Pepito.

Fight Hunger --
Help our friends and neighbors who don't have have enough food in their refrigerators.
Childhood hunger is a big problem. The only way we are going to fill empty refrigerators is if every single person who cares does something now.
That person is you. And me. And our friends. Click here to fight hunger.
Pepito likes to have fun. Sometimes he goes a little too far. Help Ryan and Luis follow Pepito to get Ryan's toy back. Click here to download or print Pepito's maze. If you find that easy, Pepito has a harder maze for you here.

Cook --
Make Luis's Cheesy Pizza Bombs.

Celebrate Friendship --
Write and draw about helping others.

Homemade food, because we can control the sugar, fat and salt, can be both cheap and nutritious. I made up Cheesy Pizza Bombs when writing Maddi's Fridge. Click here for a fun (and more nutritious) Cheesy Pizza Bombs recipe.
Maddi’s Fridge is a story about friendship. Maddi helped Sofia climb to be the tallest kid in the playground. Sofia brought food to Maddi and, when that wasn’t enough, got help.
Click here for a Friendship Activity for home or classroom.
Maddi likes to tape pictures on her refrigerator door (maybe you do too!). You can add your own drawings. Click here to download or print.